Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I Believe

I believe…

... that Jesus died on the cross for my sins
…that a hot cup of coffee tastes much better when someone else makes it
…that there is a reason I am here, that my actions can make a difference
…in the power of our words and their impact, regardless if spoken or written
…in forgiveness, especially to those who you do not want to forgive
…in first impressions, they are important
…that our families are of ultimate importance
…in believing there is only one Higher Power and it's Jesus Christ
…in true love and that it can be both pragmatic and romantic
…that life is too short not to enjoy it
…in being honest, trustworthy and accountable
…in the power of shared prayers each morning
…in order to be true to others, one must be true to themselves
…that everyone needs to relax and let loose occasionally
…that what doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger
…in quiet time alone doing whatever I enjoy
…in the joys from snuggling and cuddling
…that if it is meant to be it will be, in time
…that reading is the access to other worlds
…that everyone deserves a second chance
…in the power of intuition, it’s rarely wrong
…in do unto others, as you would have others do unto you
…that bonds of love can be just as strong as blood ties
…in giving for the sake of giving, because it’s the right thing to do
…that trust can be broken by one small lie at a time
…that most hurts can be mended with sincere apologies
…that the power of prayer is the strongest thing on earth
…that a good night sleep is restoring
…in a good cry, and a brief pity party are needed at times to help heal
…in letting go of old pains, and remembering only the good times
…in time spent staring into the ocean waves is good therapy
…in love at first sight and that it can last a lifetime
…that life is all about what you make it
…in apologizing when wrong, and not being stubborn about it
…that we are stronger as one than we are apart
…that we hurt when the one we love is hurting
...that time spent with children can change your view of the world
…that miracles happen every minute each day
…that my daily quiet time with God is very important
…in having good days if you want them bad enough
…in the strength of women who are true friends
…in weekly date nights to keep romance alive
…in meaning what you say, and saying what you mean
…in tender romantic kisses with the one you love for no special reason
…in picking myself up again whenever I fall down and starting over
…in never forgetting where you came from
…that with time all wounds can be healed, no matter how deep
…in long hot bubble baths no matter how old we get
…in being honorable, our name is something we should take pride in
…that laughter is one of the best medicines
…in genuine unconditional love

What do you believe in?

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Contagious Attitudes

Something became evident to me during a lunch date with several girlfriends. Within minutes I became aware of something really important that I need to pay more attention to. I witnessed firsthand just how contagious our attitudes really are, and how they can greatly affect and influence those around us. Regardless if they are positive or negative, they are infectious.

Have you ever noticed when you are in a cheerful mood and watch a depressing movie, listen to a few sad songs, or spend time with a difficult person (you know the type) that you soon begin to feel your emotions shifting and you start to feel unhappy? Or those times when you’re feeling gloomy and you surround yourself with cheerful music, or positive, happy people, soon you are unexpectedly uplifted and your sad mood lightens. I saw this happen just by the few words that were spoken and how suddenly the frames of minds of many were changed.

This happens to me sometimes too; my good mood can get dragged down rather quickly especially after being around someone who is down and out and being pessimistic. This is why I don’t like to write entries that are unenthusiastic in my blog. I want this to be a place where I can be encouraging and positive, yet vent if I feel the urge to do so.

I asked myself today if I really listened and paid attention to the way I speak. Do you lift others up, or are you snappy with your words? I realize that I have been guilty of doing both at times.

What drove this point home to me was reading the words ---for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks - Matthew 12:34. What attitude do your words reflect? It’s true that what comes out of our mouths has to do with the condition of our hearts and I want others to know what is truly in my heart by my words and attitudes.

I am going to avoid the sad songs, depressing movies, and wasting my time with negative people. Instead, I am going to load my iPod with upbeat, praise and worship songs, surround myself with only positive people, and pay closer attention to my words.

In light of all the storms and trials that are happening in our family, after spending time this week with my funny son and inspiring husband who are always joking around how can I possibly be sad?

Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Knot Prayer

Dear God,
Please untie the knots
that are in my mind,
my heart and my life.
Remove the have nots,
the can nots and the do nots
that I have in my mind.

Erase the will nots,
may nots, and
might nots that find
a home in my heart.

Release me from the could nots,
would nots and
should nots that obstruct my life.

And most of all, dear God,
I ask that you remove from my mind
my heart and my life all of the am nots
that I have allowed to hold me back,
especially the thought
that I am not good enough.


Author Anonymous

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Storm Chasers

Storm chasing meteorologists astound me at the risks they are willing to take tracking hazardous weather phenomena. They do this to keep the public informed and warned of impending dangers while doing their jobs.

Being raised in the Deep South, I am familiar with the usual springtime tornado seasons. I learned quickly to pay close attention to weather conditions, and seek shelter whenever imminent storm warnings were issued. Today we woke up startled by the sounds of the wailing civil defense sirens and immediately began to take necessary precautions.

Our eyes were glued to the television for the continuous updates as surrounding communities received major damage and deaths. Funnel clouds were spotted nearby and developed into multiple twisters with torrential downpours, high winds, constant loud claps of thunder, and streaks of lightening seen dancing and lighting up the darkened skies.

Today brought back reminders of another frightening situation we experienced last weekend when my husband and I were caught in the mist of another killer tornado. I was driving down the highway when unexpectedly we heard the warning sirens of a looming tornado. Immediately I drove to the nearest building, where we took cover inside a department store until it was safe to leave. From the storefront windows many watched as the skies grew darker and the swirling winds increased and howled louder as it intensified.

That particular tornado was an F-4 with winds of 170 mph that killed 10 people in Yazoo and Choctaw County, MS. Hundreds others were left homeless and numerous buildings were demolished into toothpick splinters as its strength ripped a path of deadly destruction.

I was terrified and was earnestly praying, and reciting Psalm 56:3 When I am afraid I will trust in him.

Without any doubt it was by God’s protective hand covering us that we were unharmed as the tornado’s path changed directions right before it got to us and we were spared any harm.

Not all storms in life are weather related. I know that God is always present, safeguarding and bringing us through these trials when we head the warnings and turn to seek shelter in him through prayer.

In many Bible verses, we see repeatedly that God is there lovingly providing refuge for us regardless of what type of storms we are facing, if we will only trust in him. I have found that God is the ultimate storm chaser for all of my life’s storms, and he wants to be yours too if you will let him.